what are the advantages of an altered state of consciousness

1990. Amanita muscaria, Stewart Meyers; Princeton Shaman, Princeton University Art Museum; Scythian Burial, L. Oleczak / Archaeology News Network; Siberian Shaman, Wikimedia Commons; Sami Shaman, Copperplate by O.H. 22 It is not uncommon for an individual to have the experience of driving somewhere familiar (e.g., home from work) and suddenly realize that he or she is at such and such an intersection but … However, there are also wakeful situations in which we can experience an altered state of consciousness (ASC)— these include hallucination, hypnotic states, trance states and meditation. Many of us are like Adele. Possession. Illness and death affect all people, and all societies have developed cultural practices to try to heal the sick. Trance states involve both amplification of certain internal cognitive processes as well as a decoupling of sensory processing (Hove et al. “The Search for a Guardian Spirit: A Process of Empowerment in Simpler Societies.” Ethnology 12 (3): 359–78. These experiences presumably induce a state of relaxation that replaces fast brain activity in the front areas of the brain with slow wave activity representing more emotional information (Winkelman 1986; Winkelman 2006). William James (1890), for instance, didn’t think of altered states of consciousness as qualitatively different, writing over 100 years ago: ‘our normal waking consciousness is but one special type of consciousness.’ Altered States of Consciousness (Altered States of Awareness, xenophrenia) refer to internal, subjective states of being whereby there are changes in one's mental state, almost always temporary. After many months of processing her grief and her fears about aging in therapy, Adele gave up. Altered consciousness in adults: Introduction. The type of trance generally varies with social complexity. We are like a person stuck in a hole who digs with a shovel rather than climbing out with a ladder. Van Dijk, Robert Turner, Peter E. Keller, and Björn Merker. D’Andrade, Roy. Sharer, Robert J., and Sylvanus Griswold Morley. Matrilocal A pattern of marital residence where couples typically live with or near the wife’s parents, Patrilocal A pattern of marital residence where couples typically live with or near the husband’s parents. Altered states of consciousness are sacred and powerful places which reveal that there is more to ourselves and our potential for healing than the ordinary mind can grasp. On the other hand,still, only few studies about the altered state of consciousness. “Relation of Child Training to Subsistence Economy.” American Anthropologist 61 (1): 51–63. The Olmec used “hallucinogens such as native tobacco (Nicotiana rustica) or the psychoactive venom found in the parathyroid gland of the marine toad Bufus marinus. In the South Pacific, Maori religious specialists employed Maori kava (Macropiper excelsum) in religious ritual and Polynesian groups such as the Hawaiians and Tongans used ‘awa (Piper methysticum) as an aid to communing spiritually with ancestors (Kirch 1985; Kirch 1988). Some societies have only the first type which we will call non-possession trance, others have only possession trance, and some have both. 80% of the cultures surveyed believe that dreaming is the primary state in which out-of-body experiences occur (Shields 1978). Other times people are in another or altered state of consciousness. Shaara, Lila, and Andrew Strathern. Thanks to Tahlisa Brougham, Christina Carolus, Jack Dunnington, Megan Farrer, Amelia Piazza, and Erik Ringen for their assistance in preparing this module. Class 5 of IAC's Consciousness Development Program discusses phenomena and altered states of consciousness. ———. A disorder of consciousness, or impaired consciousness, is a state where consciousness has been affected by damage to the brain. She went on a retreat, and when at home, she took long walks in the woods. Trance behaviors are difficult to define, but most observers seem to be able to tell when a person is in a trance. https://doi.org/10.2307/3510127. ———. An Iconographic Identification.” Journal of Andean Archaeology 31 (2): 123–40. This does not imply that all people in a given society have such an experience, but rather that it is believed that at least some people experience it. An altered state of consciousness (ASC), also called altered state of mind or mind alteration, is any condition which is significantly different from a normal waking beta wave state. An altered state of consciousness may occur naturally, such as sleeping, or it may be intentionally induced, such as meditation. Thinking through our problems is an important part of healing, but we may end up viewing the problems we face solely with the same mind that helped create them. ———. “A Cross-Cultural Study of Out-of-Body Experiences, Waking, and Sleeping.” Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 49. Lewis-Williams, James D., and Thomas A. Dowson. A survey finds no instances outside of North America (Swanson 1973). unusual, unfamiliar) state of consciousness — it enlarges the gamut of experiences you have of what it is to be you. Chandler & Sharp Series in Cross-Cultural Themes. 1976. Consciousness requires both wakefulness and awareness. If the effect of political hierarchy is controlled, societies where people are more involved in decision-making are less likely to have possession trances (Bourguignon and Evascu 1977; Swanson 1978). http://ehrafarchaeology.yale.edu/document?id=ma51-002. Therefore a dream is an excellent example of an ASC. A visionary experience or vision quest is usually the method of obtaining a guardian spirit and very often involves prolonged fasting, exhausting exercise, or exposure to dangers. Do You Say This One Word Relationship Killer? These types of behaviors are not haphazard; if sleep deprivation is present, fasting and social isolation are often also present, such as when a young person goes alone into the forest on a quest for a guardian spirit. https://doi.org/10.1525/aa.1959.61.1.02a00080. At times like these, dropping the effort to figure ourselves out can be the best medicine. Immersion in … 1973. * Altered states can occur anywhere from yoga class to the birth of a child. https://doi.org/10.1525/eth.1986.14.2.02a00040. Ember, Carol R., Christina Carolus. In other words, ASCs are not institutionalized (Winkelman 1986). There are many reasons people try to attain an altered state of consciousness, including religious and spiritual reasons, relaxation, and even hypnosis to increase health. ———. Hove, Michael J., Johannes Stelzer, Till Nierhaus, Sabrina D. Thiel, Christopher Gundlach, Daniel S. Margulies, Koene R. A. From that point on, she began to feel better and eventually made a full recovery. Altered State of Consciousness. Are ASCs institutionalized in other cultures? If home remedies do not help, usually people resort to a specialist healer of some kind. Sensory deprivation can be seen as the opposite of trance inducing methods to achieving an altered state of consciousness. Note that there can be possession beliefs without trance behavior, such as when illnesses are believed to be caused by invading spirits (Bourguignon 1976; Bourguignon and Evascu 1977). She was highly intelligent and could articulate perfectly why being in her forties bothered her so much. Iron Age Indo-European groups such as the Scythians and the Dacians utilized Cannabis sativa and melilot (Melilotus sp. html lang="en-US" dir="ltr" data-reactroot="" data-reactid="1" data-react-checksum="-168641847">. The term – ASC – refers to a significant change in what is considered a normal waking awareness. 1985. In one cross-cultural survey of 488 societies, 90% had some kind of cultural trance behavior or belief (Bourguignon 1968; Bourguignon and Evascu 1977). These dreams are often obtained through certain practices such fasting or sleeping alone. Bones of this totally inedible toad appeared in trash deposits at San Lorenzo, while the magnificent kneeling figure known as the ‘Princeton Shaman’ has one of these amphibians incised on the top of his head” (Diehl 2004, 106; Sharer and Morley 1992). In many Native North American societies, individuals reaching puberty sought out a guardian spirit. This is the approach recently recommended by John Pilch of Georgetown University, and … Possession trances, on the other hand, are associated with subsequent amnesia, convulsions, and spontaneous onset of trances (Winkelman 1986). These exercises can be done individually or as part of classroom assignments. Entoptically-suggestive art (that is, art composed of motifs indicating sensory deprivation and commonly-associated forms of visual hallucination) can be seen as early as 70,000-100,000 years ago at Blombos Cave in South Africa (Henshilwood et al. Scholars suggest that in a number of pre-Columbian Andean cultures, “social linkage…revolved intensely around cults and shared religious experience” that may often have been brokered by religious specialists who included wakeful hallucinogen-induced ASC as an important part of their spiritual repertoire (Kolata 1993, 272; Burger 2011). : The Burke Museum. 1959. Human beings have used meditation, medication, religious rituals, sleep deprivation, and numerous other means to alter their levels of everyday awareness. In an altered state of consciousness the high priestess assumes the spirit of the Goddess. In treatments such as MBCT, healing requires getting into non-ordinary modes of mind, such as mindfulness. Every bite of food, every change of environment, and everything we do affects how we feel, and how we perceive the world. Remains of hallucination-inducing substances can be recovered archaeologically or sometimes substantiated through historical texts while other methods of inducing ASCs are difficult if not impossible to capture. London: Routledge. “Trance and Possession: Studies of Charismatic Influence.” Review of Religious Research 19 (3): 253–78. However, contemporary mainstream North American culture does not embrace these practices in rituals, healing practices, or as part of ordinary life. However the methods, functions, and cultural context vary widely between societies. An altered state of consciousness is any state which is significantly different from a normative waking beta wave state. “Altered States of Consciousness Within a General Evolutionary Perspective: A Holocultural Analysis.” Behavior Science Research 12 (3): 197–216. 2002). They painstakingly analyze themselves and their problems with little payoff, as if the ordinary mind is the only and best tool for healing. 1st ed. Feathered Gods and Fishhooks: An Introduction to Hawaiian Archaeology and Prehistory. 2002. 1st ed. Can Trance Type be Predicted by Social Structure? Henshilwood, Christopher S, Erico d’Errico, Royden Yates, Zenobia Jacobs, Chantal Tribolo, Geoff A. T. Duller, Norbert Mercier, et al. 1970. These methods can require excessive physical movement (including shamanic drumming and dancing mentioned above), but may also involve sleep deprivation, fasting, sleep, and psychoactive drugs. 1992. North America had a very high proportion of hunting and fishing societies (76%); this might explain why the complex is found in North America and nowhere else (Swanson 1973; Barry, Child, and Bacon 1959). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Institutionalized ASCs are extremely widespread in the cultures known to anthropology, suggesting that not only are wakeful ASCs part of the repertoire of human experience, but that they are also usually incorporated into cultural beliefs and practices. 2017. When you hear the words “altered state of consciousness” you may think of bellbottoms, hippies, and LSD. What are altered states of consciousness? An altered state of consciousness is defined as a state in which the neurocognitive background mechanisms of consciousness have an increased … : Research Foundation, Ohio State University. However, the relationship is somewhat curvilinear—that is, societies with moderately high (but not high) dependence upon hunting and fishing are most apt to demonstrate this complex.This prediction is derived from Barry, Child, and Bacon (1959)’s finding that hunting and fishing societies emphasize independence, self-reliance and achievement. Watson, Aaron. Adele was one such client. Vol. 1961. Columbus, Oh. “Cross-Cultural Assessments of Shamanism as a Biogenetic Foundation for Religion.” In The Psychology of Religious Experience, edited by Patrick McNamara. Two kinds of institutionalized trance are usually distinguished: 1) a type of trance in which the person’s soul is believed to leave the body because it is abducted or goes on a journey; and 2) possession trance, in which the change in a person’s behavior and utterances during the trance are explained by being possessed or taken over by a spirit of some kind. Swanson, Guy E. 1973. This also hasn’t stuck, primarily because if this tacit assumption of a default normal state. Psychology Today © 2020 Sussex Publishers, LLC, How to Say “Thank You” for Maximum Effect, The Desert, Sleep, and the Mystical Experience. The ability to achieve an altered state of consciousness is a fundamental skill in witchcraft. Sometimes we can’t see the ladder with the ordinary mind. Stanford, Ca. Human Relations Area Files https://hraf.yale.edu/ehc/summaries/altered-states-of-consciousness,accessed [give date]. Vol. It facilitates the use of psychic abilities as well as the application of magick. “Altered States of Consciousness” in C. R. Ember, ed. 2015. Chapters presenting these topics can be found in most of current textbooks of general psychology. Altered States of Consciousness. 3. ASCs have likely been part of the human cognitive repertoire for at least 100,000 years, if not longer. She was a 45 year-old mother of two who suffered from depression related to aging. Sleep is a state of altered consciousness, characterized by certain patterns of the brains activity and inactivity. World of the Scythians. That is, “You” is not a fixed thing — it is changed by experience. If sleeping is the induction method, trance usually involves a nonpossession trance such as a soul journey. “Trance States: A Theoretical Model and Cross-Cultural Analysis.” Ethos 14 (2): 174–203. Trance behavior is always associated with the training of magico-religious healers (Winkelman 1990). Frozen Tombs of Siberia: The Pazyryk Burials of Iron Age Horsemen. An altered state of consciousness (ASC), also called altered state of mind or mind alteration, is any condition which is significantly different from a normal waking state.By 1892, the expression was in use in relation to hypnosis, though there is an ongoing debate as to whether hypnosis is to be identified as an ASC according to its modern definition. Societies in which sons live in different villages or local groups than their parents – usually matrilocal societies – are more likely to use dreams to control supernatural power than patrilocal societies (D’Andrade 1961). http://ehrafarchaeology.yale.edu/document?id=nu95-043. There is evidence for shared physiological processes during different forms of trance as well as other ASCs (Winkelman 1986). One of the more common states […] Pre-Columbian Maya society ritually consumed balché, a mead-like drink made with the hallucinogenic plant Longocarpus longistylus. https://doi.org/10.1086/204136. Nearly all societies are known to engage in practices that lead to altered states of consciousness. Bourguignon, Erika, and Thomas Evascu. “Brain Network Reconfiguration and Perceptual Decoupling During an Absorptive State of Consciousness.” Cerebral Cortex, 1–9. Answer to: What is consciousness and what is altered in the state of consciousness? Human Relations Area Files, Inc. (HRAF) is an internationally recognized organization in the field of cultural anthropology. We feel stuck, in part, because we are relying too heavily on "figuring out" our problems. San Francisco, Ca: Chandler & Sharp Publishers. New York, Ny. “Emergence of Modern Human Behavior: Middle Stone Age Engravings from South Africa.” Science. In most societies these specialists are magico-religious healers. Rudenko, S. I. https://doi.org/10.1179/naw.2011.31.2.123. ASCs play a fundamental role in the maintenance of human social fabric and human social-spiritual linkage. Dreaming during sleep is believed to be a universal human characteristic. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. 1977. The guardian spirit complex is associated with hunting and fishing as a means of subsistence. Beliefs surrounding out-of-body experience are very widespread; in a cross-cultural survey, such beliefs were found in 95% of analyzed societies. Cambridge, Ma. Nearly all societies are known to engage in practices that lead to altered states of consciousness. Honolulu, Hi. Comprehensive or large-scale cross-cultural research of dream content remains a challenge (Bourguignon 1972; Shields 1978). Moreover, these types of induction methods rarely are associated with possession trance (Winkelman 1986). Nevertheless, the ubiquity of these practices across time and space in human history suggests that ASCs play a fundamental role in the maintenance of human social fabric and human social-spiritual linkage. These examples represent only a small fraction of the historical and archaeological evidence for institutionalized ASCs. What about more recent cultures? 2015). We are all aware that our dreams may contain very different kinds of thoughts than those that we have while awake. A more recent way of approaching the appearance phenomena in which Jesus was supposed to have been encountered is to see them as one kind of altered state of consciousness. Even people who do not remember dreaming have been observed to do so in sleep laboratories. I often witness clients relying too heavily on the ordinary mind. Shields, Dean. Done successfully, it can induce visions and bring out phenomenon from your subconscious and even enable you to traverse “other worlds”. Explore some texts and do some comparisons using the eHRAF World Cultures database. Diehl, Richard A. The above overview of the denigration of the importance of altered states in contemporary psychology should discourage any belief or assumption that research has established hypnosis as being a specific altered state of consciousness or indeed as one with state specific effects. What predicts the guardian spirit complex or vision quest? Similar substances and accoutrements have been found at priestly burials in Tiwanaku, Bolivia. That doesn't mean dropping the effort to get better, but giving the intellect a rest for a while. Hunter-gatherers are more likely to use dreams to seek and control supernatural power than food producers. Kolata, Alan. Does MBCT Help Other Problems Besides Depression. The expression was coined by Carlos Castaneda and describes induced changes in one's mental state, almost always temporary. Different methods are used to induce trances cross-culturally. As the scope of archaeological evidence is limited by materiality, these pharmacologically-oriented examples represent only a few of the ways that humans engage in wakeful ASCs. Seattle, Wa. It describes induced changes in one's mental state, almost always temporary. More complex societies are more likely to involve possession trance in the course of training magico-religious practitioner (Winkelman 1986; Winkelman 2006). In contemporary North American culture, these wakeful ASCs are thought of either as unusual events or pertaining to practices of specialists—hypnotic states induced by therapists or magicians, trances entered into by mediums conducting séances, meditation in yoga classes, or drug-induced hallucinatory experiences. “The Sounds Of Transformation: Acoustics, Monuments And Ritual In The British Neolithic.” In The Archaeology Of Shamanism, edited by Neil S. Price, 1st ed., 178–92. First, altered states of consciousness create an integrative whole in the normally separate operators of the unconscious and the conscious mind. The operative word is “might”: a guardian spirit is not compelled to give gifts of power to a particular person, nor to continue to do so. Maybe that’s why non-ordinary states can be so transformative, because they offer something that thinking never will. Every state of consciousness is an altered state of consciousness. Where God and Science Meet. Some researchers believe that we sleep to clear our minds of useless information. Niautoputapu: The Prehistory of a Polynesian Chiefdom. The idea that bodies might be possessed by demons, witches, or spirits also exists as a popular theme in media and in some religious traditions. For the purpose of contro … Its mission is to encourage and facilitate the cross-cultural study of human culture, society and behavior in the past and present. : University of Hawaii Press. An altered state of consciousness is when a person is not completely aware of their surroundings. We know what’s wrong intellectually but we feel stuck when it comes to getting relief. There’s also a more general benefit of having an “altered” (i.e. When used in occult and mysticism term trance usually denotes an altered state of consciousness. Rather, the guardian spirit enables the receiver to act independently. 1981. “Societal Correlates of Possession Trance in Sub-Saharan Africa.” In Religion, Altered States Of Consciousness, And Social Change, edited by Erika Bourguignon, 39–57. Yet, in contrast, an individual in an altered state of consciousness may be more aware of events than usual or otherwise able to transcend the limits of normal voluntary control. Start studying chapter 7- Altered States of Consciousness. Psychologist and author Stanley Krippner identified more than 20 states of altered consciousness. The expression was used as early as 1966 by Arnold M. Ludwig and brought into common usage from 1969 by Charles Tart. Religious experts often use their dreams to divine or perform cures. In this respect, altered states of consciousness are relevant to enhancing human performance. One major variation is whether societies believe in possession by spirits or in one’s soul fleeing or going on a journey. We live our lives and meet our challenges with the intellect, neglecting the opportunities that altered states offer. We summarize what we know of this variation from cross-cultural research. The results of research on consciousness and its altered states have convinced a community of scientists that consciousness is an important phenomenon. “Shamans And Other ‘Magico-Religious’ Healers: A Cross-Cultural Study Of Their Origins, Nature, And Social Transformations.” Ethos 18 (3): 308–52. Berkeley: University of California Press. Guardian spirits were neither ghosts nor culture heroes—they were usually spirits of plants or animals or celestial bodies. Sleep is a state of altered consciousness, characterized by certain patterns of the brains activity and inactivity. 1986. The priestly caste at Chavín de Huantar, a Peruvian site occupied by the pre-Inca Chavín culture, used psychoactive substances such as mescaline-bearing San Pedro cactus (Trichocereus pachanoi) and vilca snuff (Anadenanthera sp.) The Olmecs: America’s First Civilization. Wesler, Kit W. 2012. Societies with non-possession trances are most likely to use dreams to seek and control supernatural power (Bourguignon 1972). But some altered states have nothing to do with drugs and are more important than we may think. Artistic motifs at a number of late Neolithic megalithic ceremonial complexes in northern and western Europe (approximately 4000-2000 BCE) are thought to have been derived from entoptic hallucinatory imagery. Maybe we just prefer the safety and predictability of the ordinary mind and the world of thought. States of Consciousness PSY/202 June 5, 2013 Elise M. Vandamia, MS, LPC CheckPoint: States of Consciousness There are various states of consciousness; the one that people spend the most time in is waking consciousness, the alert state that people are in when they are awake. It is also a critical component of awareness and paying attention -the most important skill one can develop as a witch. An Archaeology Of Religion. 2004. Additional examples of the archaeology of altered states can be found among the eHRAF databases. https://doi.org/10.1525/aa.1992.94.1.02a00090. : Blackwell. Founded in 1949 at Yale University, HRAF is a not-for-profit membership consortium of universities, colleges, and research institutions. ), which have been found charred in vessels and pouches accompanying burials and were described by the Greek historian Herodotus (5th century BCE) as part of a consciousness-altering repertoire for spiritual purification (Rudenko and Thompson 1970; Rolle and Walls 1989). In many human societies, people use dreams to seek and control supernatural power, information or aid. https://doi.org/10.2307/3773123. Trance and other altered states of consciousness are strongly associated with healing practices of shamans, a subset of magico-religious healers. Altered States of Consciousness Consciousness is a state of awareness. ———. Dreaming is probably the most common altered state. See detailed information below for a list of 15 causes of Altered consciousness in adults, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes. https://doi.org/10.1525/eth.1990.18.3.02a00040. London: B. T. Batsford. In an altered state of consciousness most people report experiencing psychological changes. Whatever transpires in these states of mind does so in a different language than that of thought. Burger, Richard L. 2011. Altered consciousness in adults: Altered consciousness in adults is a change in the usual level of alertness and orientation of an adult. 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