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I'd been traveling for many months. Some examples: Él terminó hace dos horas. This Time Expressions with Hacer Handouts & Reference is suitable for 6th - 12th Grade. Hacer and desde in time expressions When you say to someone in Spanish that you haven’t studied grammar in a long time or that you’ve been taking classes for three years, it’s different from the way you’d do it in English. When we want to talk about some actions that started in the past, and still continue into the future, we can use the following two formulas to express it: Hace+ amount of time + que+ no +verb (present tense). Google’s Latest Update: Response Blog Posts are the Future! Technically the translation should be more like "I haven't been studying French for three years," but "haven't studied" is much simpler and means the same thing. If you want to say "ago" in Spanish, you need to follow this formula: preterite tense + hace "Ago" is an adverb that doesn't translate directly in Spanish. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. present tense verb + desde + specific point in time, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. He has been working here since 2008. For this, you can use the following three formulas: Hacía+ amount of time+ que+no+ verb in the imperfect, Example: Hacía un mes que no hablaba con su padre, cuando lo vió por la calle. Making the sentence negative with a "no" will slightly alter the translation: No estudio francés hace tres años. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Other Expressions with 'Hacer' The following are some other common phrases using hacer; this list is not mean to be complete—in fact, it a small sampling only, in order to help students see the wide range of uses that hacer can be put to without translating it as "make" or "do." ¿Cuánto tiempo hacía que esperabas? How long have you been dancing profesionally? Telling Time 54. "Hace" + [time expression] practice (Pearson) Hace + [time expression] - Rags to Riches (Quia) Time Expressions lesson - 123teachme.com Time Expressions with "hacer" - StudySpanish.com Hacer Plus Time As long as you’re already comfortable with numbers , learning Spanish time phrases is just a matter of learning some new vocab. How long had Julia been studying Spanish? Learn some general Spanish expressions related to time, including topics such as specifying when something happened, duration, and frequency. And again, making the sentence negative changes things slightly: Hacía muchos meses que yo no viajaba. (=I went to the doctor a week ago). This lesson introduces basic questions to ask about the weather in Spanish and explains how to make sentences using ESTAR, SER, HABER and other verbs for talking about the weather in Spanish. They are translated the same way: Hace unos años que mi perro se murió. Let's learn some handy time expressions with hacer! Now, lets’ take a look at how we conjugate the verb in some of the different tenses, as a short recap. He has been working here for three years. This Spanish lesson explores the use of 'hacer' to make statements about a time when an action occurs and to ask questions about it. hacer caso de to pay attention to; to notice Tienes que hacer caso a tu nueva maestra. If you'd rather focus on when an action began rather than how long it has been occuring, you can use desde ("since"): Trabaja aquí desde 2008. And we can ask the same kind of question about the past using this formula: cuánto tiempo hacía que + imperfect tense verb. What on earth is the "present perfect continous"? That this century is likely (it depends on where you are) the first in which most of the population of your country is not illiterate. We have been driving for 20 hours. We can ask questions too. Title: Time Expressions with "hacer" 1 Time Expressions with "hacer" 2 Hace time que The verb "hacer" can be used in a number of ways to indicate the length of time an action has been taking place. The first way uses the formula: Hace + time + que + present tense form of the verb Hace un año que estudio español. + period of time. These are some formulas that will come in handy when you want to amp up your Spanish game. Over 1000 Spanish verbs conjugated. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Hace and Actions that Occurred a Specific Amount of Time Ago There are two formulas you can use with hacer to talk about actions that occurred a specific amount of time ago. Conducimos desde la mañanita. Technically the translation should be "I had not been travelling for many months," but "hadn't travelled" is quicker and easier. There are many different ways in which this verb is used, a lot of expressions. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. How long has Julia been studying Spanish? It is one of the first verbs that you learn in Spanish. It's a sentence that includes something like "have/has been ____ing." In time expressions: Typically, hace is followed by a period of time to indicate how long ago something happened or started. 53. No it does not mean that you did anything (it's "hace" not "hago"). It can be pretty amusing to see how idioms literally translate, so we've provided you with a more literal translation next to each one, before telling you how to use it properly. You probably already know that the verb hacer means "to make" or "to do," but did you also know that it is used in a number of expressions dealing with time? Note: You may also see desde hace instead of just hace. Are you looking for Spanish conversation lessons? Full verb conjugation table for hacer along with example sentences and printable version. Demonstratives 57. This time we are literally saying "it made [period of time] that…" And again, in spite of that long English phrase, "had been _____ing," all we need is a simple imperfect tense conjugation. Verb in the present+ desde + hace + amount of time, Example: Trabajo en esa empresa desde hace cuatro meses. There are different formulas to indicate the length of an action using hacer. To translate a present perfect continuous sentence in Spanish, you'll need to follow this formula: hace + period of time + que + present tense verb. We can also flip the sentence around and drop the que: It still means the same thing: Estudio hace toda la noche. Try my Skype lessons, the easiest and most comfortable way to hone your Spanish skills. Spanish time phrases: using time expressions in Spanish Spanish time phrases are almost exactly like the ones we use in English, which means time expressions in Spanish is not a difficult concept. Estudio desde las cuatro. Llevamos mucho tiempo sin ir a la iglesia. ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que Julia estudia español? As Eddy indicated the syntactically equivalent expression in English would be "it makes one year that I am studying Spanish". The hace becomes hacía and whatever present tense verb used before is now conjugated in the imperfect. We had been driving for 20 hours. Learn spanish hacer idioms expressions with free interactive flashcards. There are English translations of all the phrases, plus sound, which has been There is also an option to express an action in the past that got interrupted by another action. These are some formulas that will come in handy when you want to amp up your Spanish game. Your class can learn how to use hacer in the preterite, present perfect continuous, and past perfect continuous to express different situations related to time. The verb hacer (to make or to do) is often used along with the preterite or imperfect to create idiomatic expressions of time. It is a specific time in the past, so this phrase would be used with the preterite. Learn how your comment data is processed. Llevo ocho años trabajando en esta escuela. Hace tres años que trabaja aquí. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. When we talk about a specific time when an action happened, a certain amount of time in the past, we use one of the two golden formulas, as to say so: Example: Hace tres años que terminé el colegio. We do this to express how long something had been happening until it was interrupted at a certain point in the past. We are not limited to statements with hacer time expressions. For example: Hacía tres años que trabajaba aquí. To make the sentence negative, incorporate sin ("without") and an infinitive: Su tío lleva cinco años sin usar drogas. Irreg. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. About This Quiz & Worksheet For this quiz and worksheet combination, you can find questions on using hacer in Spanish with time expressions. So On this worksheet, students are given hashtags in Spanish that refer to a certain activity or amount of time. long time ago Mi tío vino a visitarnos hace mucho tiempo. These cookies do not store any personal information. Read here about the most common errors in Spanish to look for when proofreading, Planning to visit Spain to practice Spanish? Por and Para 55. Useful Expressions In Spanish It is considered good style in Spanish not to repeat words and expressions when an alternative can be used. Hacía 20 horas que conducíamos. No estudio francés desde hace tres años. How long have you been waiting? Instead of "ago" you are literally saying "it makes [period of time]." Possessive Pronouns 59. She left a week ago. See here an easy step-by-step explanation about how to install Skype software. Today we study how this verb is used to express time in a sentence. We can convert any present perfect continuous sentences into the past if need be. His uncle hasn't used drugs for five years. Hacer is one of the essential verbs in the Spanish language. However, I do not want to scare you today. How long had you been waiting? What I want to do is to show you the time expressions with hacer. Identify Spanish Grammar: The Verb [HACER] with Weather Expressions la gramática española: el verbo [hacer] con las expresiones del tiempo The verb [HACER] means to do / to make, it is an irregular verb. ), Verb in the imperfect+ desde+ hacía+ amount of time, Example: Salía a corer desde hacía dos semanas, cuando se cayó. Discover Spanish August 11, 2015 at 1:02 am A really important part of Spanish that English speakers tend to make mistakes with, as we have a different way of expressing it. The verb “hacer” can be used in a number of ways to indicate the length of time an action has been taking place. Spanish conversation lessons by Skype You will only use the hace form of When we do the "have/has been ____ing" part of the sentence becomes "had been ____ing." Ella salió hace una semana. To describe an action (= A month had passed since he did not speak with his father, when he saw him on the street), Verb in the imperfect+ hacía+ amount of time, Example: Llovía hacia una semana, cuando de repente salió el sol. The literal translation is "How long does it make that…?". I've been studying all night. The first way uses the formula Comparatives 56. We haven't been to church for a long time. My dog died several years ago. Your email address will not be published. My dog died several years ago. Irreg. You may also see or hear sentences that start with hace and include the word que. I've been working at this school for eight years. He had been working here for three years. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Read this information. 53. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Don't know how to use Skype? Time Expressions with Hacer are most commonly used to describe a time in the past. Required fields are marked *. We have been driving since early morning. To do this we simply take the present tense formula and convert all the verbs to the imperfect tense: hacía + period of time + que + imperfect tense verb. A basic and easy-to-understand overview of Spanish verbs and tenses, with a particular focus on using time expressions with hacer in Spanish. (= She used to run since two weeks ago, when she fell.) We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I've been studying all night. Overall, though, there are three main ways of translating hacer when … Por and Para 55. 11 Email Copywriting Tips for Maximum Conversions, Spanish Essay Example and How to Write it, How to Proofread Your Copy [Complete Checklist], easy step-by-step explanation about how to install Skype software, most common errors in Spanish to look for when proofreading, visit Spain to practice Spanish? They will then use this info to write a tweet or sentence containing an hacer time expression that would go with the Your email address will not be published. You can also use llevar in a similar manner to hacer. The verb hacer has many purposes in the Spanish language, one of which is as part of time expressions. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Choose from 500 different sets of spanish questions hacer expressions flashcards on Quizlet. Hacía muchos meses que yo viajaba. Hacer + time translates to Time + ago. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Note: Llevar should not be used for situations with short periods of time. If you want to say "ago" in Spanish, you need to follow this formula: preterite tense + hace + period of time Instead of "ago" you are literally saying "it makes [period of time]." Example: Hace mucho tiempo que no nos vemos. Read this information. (=I have been working in this company for for months.). (= It has been a long time since we have seen each other). Hacer is Make/do..........so is that saying I did a year of spanish? We've compiled a list of idiomatic verbal phrases that use three of Spanish's most common verbs: 'dar,' 'estar,' and 'hacer.' The verb Hacer and Time Expressions with Hacer Hacer is a very useful and important verb that means "to do" or "to make". Expressions of tener and hacer generally cover the weather and states of being, so much of this lesson is vocab. If you need more help from a Spanish tutor, or a Spanish content writer, do not hesitate to contact me. Listen to many examples of weather expressions in Spanish and … The Spanish verb hacer has a multitude of usages. With this video, you will be able to talk about and ask about the following: ~For how long something has been happening ~How long ago something happened ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que esperas? I haven't studied French in three years. Possessive Pronouns 59. Choose from 494 different sets of spanish hacer idioms expressions flashcards on Quizlet. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. In such sentences, hacer is alway The tense in which hacer is conjugated affects the entire meaning of the sentence and influences whether the imperfect or preterite tense is appropriate for the other verb in the sentence. To ask how long something has been going on, follow this formula: cuánto tiempo hace que + present tense verb. (The dollar is falling to levels of two years ago.) May be used to identify weather conditions. Title: Hacer with expressions of time 1 Hacer with expressions of time When you are talking about how long something has been happening or how long ago it happened, you will use the verb hacer. ⇒ You can use hacer to describe how long ago something happened or how long you have been doing something. Time Expressions With Hacer Basic Quiz Mini-Test Oral 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Oral 2 Test 2 Final 58. If you’re not yet familiar with tener and hacer by themselves, you’ll need to get comfortable with this lesson first, since this lesson builds directly off that one. Learn about hacer time in Spanish using our interactive, multimedia Drag-n-Match quiz.Simply drag the ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas bailando como profesional? Demonstratives 57. Este virus se descubrió hace poco tiempo. Notice that we've swapped hace for hacía and the rest of the sentence uses an imperfect tense verb instead of a present tense one. Verb in the imperfect+ desde+ hacía+ amount of time Example: Salía a corer desde hacía dos semanas, cuando se cayó. I've been studying since four. Here we are literally saying "it makes [period of time] that…" Notice that in spite of that long English verb conjugation, "have been _____ing," all we need in Spanish is a simple present tense conjugation to convey the same meaning. He finished two hours ago. English to Spanish Translation by a Native Spanish Freelancer, Spanish Corrector – Proofreading your Spanish text, Advertorial and Guest Blogging in Spanish, Content Writer – Content Plan for Spanish Blogs, A guide to creating a good website in Spanish, No in Spanish – Everything you need to know, 7 Effective Memory Methods & Techniques for Spanish Learners, Writing your texts in Spanish from scratch, Copywriting about your services and products in Spanish, Content writer and Content Plans for your website in Spanish, How to Do an SEO Content Writing Strategy in Spanish. (=It had been raining for a week, when the sun rose. I had not travelled in many months. The following list of linking expressions contains some synonyms for this purpose as well as expressions which are useful generally in one's writing. Hace 20 horas que conducimos. Hace toda la noche que estudio. Comparatives 56. Once again we have the option to flip the sentence around and drop the que: Viajaba hacía muchos meses. (=It’s been three years since I finished highschool), Example: Fui al médico hace una semana. Reflexive Verbs I ¿Cuánto tiempo hacía que Julia estudiaba español? My uncle came to visit long time ago. Mi perro se murió hace unos años. Hacer is one of the most important Spanish verbs when it comes to time expressions. Reflexive Verbs I The verb hacer can be used in various ways to talk about the passage of time. For example: Estudio desde hace toda la noche. Telling Time 54. Here's the formula: llevar (present tense) + period of time + present participle, For more on present participles see: The Present & Imperfect Progressive, Llevar means "to bring" or "to carry," but in this case it's more like, "to have.". El dólar cae a niveles de hace dos años. Time Expressions With Hacer Basic Quiz Mini-Test Oral 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Oral 2 Test 2 Final 58. Learn spanish questions hacer expressions with free interactive flashcards. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. (= She used to run since two weeks ago, when she fell.). I'd been traveling for many months. So, if you wanted to say "2 years ago," you woulds say, "Hace dos años." Spanish expressions with the verb hacer As you know the verb hacer, has two meaning in English, to make and to do, finally a break, as normally is all the way around, like to be has two meaning in Spanish, ser and estar, same with to know, saber or conocer, and…what about for and the problematic por and para, so yeah, I guess we can say that hacer is a good verb in Spanish. Its translation will vary, as you will see in the rest of the post, depending on the construction of the sentence. Mã©Dico hace una semana had been raining for a long time since we have n't been to church for week! 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